El-Wekala/Global Sister company in Egypt and UK
Co-host, community partner and sister organization
A collective of Arab Artist in Montreal whose activity has widely connected arts and Arabs.
ECBN | Egyptian Canadian Business Network
Co-host and business network .
Created for business networking, ECBN regroups the most successful Egyptian Businessmen & Professionals across Canada.
ECCAO | Egyptian Canadian Cultural Association on Ottawa
Community Partner.
From day one ECCAO has been acting as main promoter to Jokermail events within the Egyptian Community in the city of Ottawa
Co-host and Community Partner
The biggest Arab Festival across North America. For 20 years it has been an attraction for the most famous names like Fairouz / Kadhem el Saher / Magida El Roumy /Nasseer Shama.
Festival Orientalys
Co-hostand Community Partner
One of the most known Montreal festivals for oriental cultures.
AEM | Association of Egyptians in Montreal
Cultural Partner Community wing of Jokermail amongst the Egyptians in the city of Montreal .
Museum of fine arts of Montreal
Many collaborations has happened whilst Egyptian exhibitions are running in Montreal main museums
Thanks to our young and active partners from Canada's universities :
SSA - Syrian Students Association - Concordia
ESA - Egyptian Students Associations from :
Carleton - McGill - McMaster - Ryerson - Ottawa & York